Annie Gets In Gear for Gesher

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Home » Annie Gets In Gear for Gesher

by Annie Azriel, Gesher Rosh Eidah

I am very excited to be the Rosh Eidah of Gesher this summer. This will be my 12th summer at camp and my 5th summer in Gesher. In May, I graduated from Bradley University, where I studied social work. After camp I’ll be returning to Peoria, IL, where I will be working at a foster care agency. I’m looking forward to a great summer of fun, chugim, great limudim, swimming and getting to know all the Gesher campers. I can’t wait to see everyone on July 19th!

To hear from the rashai eidot of Kallah, Tzofim, Tiferet, and Moshavah, please see earlier blogs.