O-Stock…What A Night!

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Home » O-Stock…What A Night!

By Aliza Ainis, Rosh Eidah of Tzofim

Last night, Tzofim put on our very own talent show, Oconomostock!  Every year, we pick a theme to base the skits and songs on, and this year the theme was Hundred Acre Woodstock.  It was based off of Winnie the Pooh and it was spectacular. Some of the chanichim (campers) played the roles of the Rashei Eidot (unit heads) and the characters from Winnie the Pooh.  All of the campers in Tzofim played a large role in the show, by dancing and singing together as a group.  They have been practicing very hard for the past two weeks, and it paid off! There were also many campers from all of the eidot (units) that performed their talents.  We had singers, dancers, clowns, gymnastics, and more.  There was so much talent at this show, it was amazing!

The best part about the entire camp coming together for Oconomostock is the ruach (spirit) that everyone brought to the show.  There was more cheering, dancing, and singing from the entire camp than we have seen in a while!  We are so thankful for the support of everyone in camp, and we are so thrilled to have put on such an awesome show!

And now that the show is over, we move on to the rest of our week!  This Thursday is Maccabiah (color wars), and Tzofim is so excited to join up with the rest of the camp for an awesome day of competition and fun.  We can’t wait to continue this awesome session!