Coming Soon to OSRUI…Mishlachat 2015!

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Home » Coming Soon to OSRUI…Mishlachat 2015!

Last week, Jerry and Susan traveled to Israel meet with the Shlichim (Israeli staff) for this upcoming summer.  They met at Giva’at Haviva for 4 days to learn everything about being a staff member at OSRUI.  They studied, sang songs, prayed, and began to form an amazing community that they will bring to OSRUI in just over a month.

Ma’ayan Sharon, a madricha in Chalutzim, reflects on her 2nd year at the seminar:

“I can not believe a year has passed from the last seminar!” – this is how we (the returning shlichim) woke up on Friday morning.  Some of us were unable to sleep from the excitement.

IMG-20150417-WA0013We arrived to Giva’at Haviva in the early morning and we couldn’t wait to meet the new shlichim. The first meeting with them was during lunch, there were alot of questions about camp, campers, and what it’s like to live in Wisconsin for the summer.

As Shabbat arrived, we sat down together for T’filot, and then for dinner.

On Shabbat we had a few activities about Judaism, the Reform movement and more interesting subjects. During those activities we got to know each other, and started to bond together as a group.

That evening we had Havdallah and went home.

I can say on behalf of all the returning shlichim that the excitement is huge, and we know its going to be an amazing summer!!!