Marathon Week!

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Home » Marathon Week!

By Becca Levy, Rosh Eidah of Tiferet

Marathon week is upon us in Tiferet! This week, the Tiferet chanichim (campers) devote much of their day in studio working to prepare for the final show and exhibition this coming Saturday! On Friday, Tiferet will present their work to other eidot (Units) on camp for the first time, and Saturday families of the chanichim are visiting camp to celebrate the hard work of their children and siblings. The chanichim couldn’t be more excited to show their work to each other, camp, and their families this week!

Sydnie L from Drama:
Currently, in drama studio, we are working hard to prepare for our final show. Each scene in our show was written by a camper in drama studio. We have numerous unique scenes, most of which relate to the text of kohelet, which we have been reading and studying all session. We have been running scenes, memorizing lines, and blocking our performance. Soon, we hope to do a full run through of the show!

Sarah, Becky, Lauren, Megan and Miriam from Dance:
For Marathon week in dance studio, we’ve been working on two pieces in preparation for the final show. One of those pieces is an alternative piece choreographed by our dance specialist, Alex. We’re also working on a, original self-choreographed group piece choreographed by the “cosmic eggs” (aka dance studio). We’re looking forward to sharing our hard work with you!

Esther H from Digital Arts:
In digital arts we’re learning about video making, editing, and photography. Most of our time goes into making weekly videos that give updates on each unit in camp. We are responsible for filming, editing, and presenting a video to the entire camp. Through this process we’ve discovered how to work together to create videos. This week we are also focusing on our projects for the final showcase.

Abby S from Visual Arts:
Right now in visual arts we’re finishing up our oil paint landscapes and are in the process of working on two other projects. One is an abstract portrait of each of us that is meant to represent ourselves with a gesture taken from other self-portraits we created. The other is an installation piece in the studio relating to our prompt of vanity from the text in Kohelet.

Josh G from Music:
In music studio, we are preparing three pieces for our final show. One is a famous folk song that families will immediately recognize arranged by Samuel P, Jake C, and myself. The second section is a bit less known of a piece called “Electric Counterpoint” which illustrates the theme of repetition. Lastly, music studio was organized into duos, where we composed duets based off of paintings we saw at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

All of the chanichim have been working hard in studio all session and have really taken their art to the next level this week. They can’t wait to share their passions with everyone this weekend!

If you have not RSVP’d yet for Saturday’s performance and exhibition, please email Becca today at, fill out the online form, or call 262-567-6277 and ask to be transferred to Becca’s voicemail to let her know if you will be joining us, and if so, how many and whether you will be staying for dinner. Thank you!