Shabbat Shalom from OSRUI!

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Home » Shabbat Shalom from OSRUI!

Parshat Pinchas 

Dear Camper Parents,

It has been a great first week of Kallah Bet, Tzofim Bet, and Gesher Bet, and a wonderful continuation of Tiferet Aleph, Moshavah Aleph, and Chalutzim! The sun has (mostly) been shining at camp this week, and we came together for a great fireworks display on Tuesday night!

This week’s Torah portion, Pinchas, includes the story of the daughters of Zelophehad. In the time of the Torah portion, while the Jews were wandering in the desert after leaving Egypt, women did not have a right to own land. The Torah portion recounts the story of Zelophehad’s five daughters petitioning Moses for their right to their father’s land after his death. Moses brought their request to God who granted that they should be able to inherit their father’s land.

This is a particularly powerful Torah reading at camp. It teaches the value of speaking truth to power and standing up for oneself. This story also tells an important message about women’s rights. At camp when we read this portion we talk about the importance of advocating for oneself and the need to work toward equality so that all people, regardless of gender, ability, or background, are welcomed as part of the camp community.

At a recent limud (study) session, the campers were learning about “speaking truth to power.” As part of the program, the campers prepared ideas for camp and had the opportunity to present them to OSRUI’s Associate Director Susan Alexander and me. Susan and I loved their creativity and ability to stand in front of the group sharing suggestions for camp!

Last Shabbat afternoon, members of our summer staff and faculty came together for a study and action session concurrently with the “Keep Families Together” marches happening across the country. Once again, I was impressed by the initiative and commitment of these leaders at camp to stand up for families and children everywhere, in the spirit of the daughters of Zelophehad.

We are excited to welcome some special guests to camp this weekend. Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) will be with us for Shabbat.  Tomorrow we will be joined by a number of synagogue presidents and leaders, as well as URJ board members, to give them a chance to see firsthand the magic at camp, and to spend time with Rabbi Jacobs.

As we wrap up the week, we are keeping in mind the lessons learned from the daughters of Zelophehad and look forward to celebrating Shabbat as one camp community.

Shabbat shalom,
