Tiferet Celebrates a Wedding, a Birthday Party, and Upside Down Day!

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Home » Tiferet Celebrates a Wedding, a Birthday Party, and Upside Down Day!

Here’s an update on Tiferet from Rosh Eidah Emily Schwartz.  Check back tomorrow for news from Shore and Tessa on Kallah Bet and Tzofim Bet.

Today is Yom “Talk in Third Person” Day, so Emily is going to write the blog from that perspective. This was initiated this morning by a few of our chanichim who put on a very funny skit at breakfast to teach everyone how to do this.

Thinking back on last week, Emily wants to share a few of Tiferet’s highlights. Last Thursday, Tiferet took a field trip to the Milwaukee Art Museum, where chanichim explored the different exhibitions both on their own and with their studios. Each studio did a special project connected to what they are learning in studio, while using the available works of art in the museum. After a few hours at the museum, Tiferet got an extra special cinematic treat: Kung Fu Panda 2!

On Friday evening just before Kabbalat Shabbat, Tiferet had a wedding! This Sephardic-style wedding was based on some of the studio work the chanichim had been preparing in conjunction with limud. Before a traditional Sephardic wedding, gifts must be offered to the bride so that she might be satisfied. The visual artists prepared a ketubah, the dancers offered a dance, the musicians played in ensemble, and the actors performed readings from Song of Songs. It was a big celebration, complete with food and confetti.

Saturday was the day we had really been waiting for. After all of the preparations, rehearsals and designs, it was time for a MESIBIRTHDAY PARTY!!! Because this year marks Tiferet’s 20th anniversary, the theme for the Star-Spangled Mesibah was celebrating this as a birthday. All of Tiferet danced and sang on stage in front of the whole camp (in some amazingly bright T-shirts). There were talent acts from every eidah (unit), and in between the acts were a group of Tiferet chanichim in costumes acting out the schtick. At every set change there was dance music playing, and Emily has to say that her personal favorite part of the night was when the entire camp did the Chicken Dance. All the chanichim had a blast and were so proud of their work on the Mesibah. Plus, as soon as it ended, it was time for watching fireworks on Bayit Hill–some of the best fireworks anywhere!

Yesterday was Yom Hafuch. In Hebrew, Hafuch means “upside down.” Emily flipped the schedule upside down so Tiferet had swimming in the afternoon, studio in the morning, Ivrit in the evening, chug earlier, and everyone wore mismatched clothing! It was a fun way to mix things up and keep everyone on their toes. Part of that was doing t’filot (services) all in English instead of all in Hebrew. This was the first time Tiferet had t’filot with our newest faculty member, and we welcomed Rabbi Phyllis Sommer of Cong. Am Shalom in Glencoe, IL, who is part of the eidah for the rest of the session.