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Birthdays at Camp
Birthdays at OSRUI are very special! If your child has a birthday at camp this summer, our Camp Care Team will reach out to you before your child’s session begins to share the celebration options. You are welcome to send letters, cards, and one care package. Packages are only accepted for camper birthdays – and, in order to respect dietary restrictions and general bunk hygiene, we ask that they do not include food. All birthdays at OSRUI are celebrated the same, special way. Our counselors and staff are committed to making a camp birthday celebration special and unique! You should reach out to osruicampercare@urj.org if you have questions about birthday packages. 

Meals are an important part of camp life at OSRUI. We sayHamotzi(blessing over the meal) before we eat and join together inBirkat Hamazon(grace after meals) after we eat. We strive to have options at meals so that everyone can find something they are excited about and our staff help ensure that all campers are well-fed and dietary needs are met. In addition to meals, we generally have snacks twice a day to help keep us going in the midst of a busy day at camp! 

We gather together by unit in theChadar Ochel (dining hall), or in our outdoor picnic eating areas (for Tzofim and Moshavah)for meals. Most meals are served buffet-style. Our youngest campers eat by bunk and older campers have the chance to eat with peers in their unit. 

For more information on our Nutrition and Menu, visit this page.

Nuts and Peanuts
We do not serve peanut butter or nuts at camp. SunButter and Wowbutter are available at meals. Although we do not have peanuts or nuts in our kitchen or in the products we use in the kitchen, we do still have items in our kitchen that may have been packaged in a facility with peanuts or nuts present

Safety and Security
We want you to feel as comfortable as possible sending your children into our camp community, and so we consider the responsibility of managing their safety to be our top priority. We have 24/7 security guards, gates at our entrances, fencing, security cameras, severe weather protocols, and other emergency procedures. Our professional team and summer staff all participate in extensive safety training leading into the summer. OSRUI regularly reviews and evaluates our safety and security measures, and we work closely with national security organizations as well as local law enforcement officials. If you have specific questions about our safety and security plans, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Director, Beth Rodin, at brodin@urj.org.