Blending Art and Judaism in Tiferet

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Home » Blending Art and Judaism in Tiferet

by Emily Schwartz, Tiferet Rosh Eidah

Tiferet Bet 2011 is off to a fantastic start! After only a few days together, it already feels like a cohesive unit of old friends.

What I love about Tiferet is how naturally art and Judaism blend together in a community. I am constantly inspired by our campers’ ability to create and stretch their creativity. On opening day, Tiferet had a program led by our moomchim (specialists) and segel (faculty), to introduce this session’s limud topic: Kohelet (Ecclesiastes). We will be exploring Kohelet this session both in studio and throughout each day. The mature level of discussion about this topic has really impressed me and the whole staff.

The visual artists’ first project really made an impact. They were instructed to draw the most boring thing they could think of or find. After a few minutes they each realized how even something that appears boring at first (a mark on a table, for example), becomes complex and interesting when given a closer look.

Our tzrifim (cabins) are named after Debbie Friedman songs. Debbie was once a songleader at OSRUI, and helped revolutionize the way we do music at camp. We’ve got Tzrif Miriam’s Song, Tzrif Happy Thanksgiving Song, Tzrif 613 Commandments and Tzrif Laugh At All My Dreams. This Shabbat morning Tiferet is having t’filot (services) with all Debbie songs.

On Wednesday evening, we had our first Artists’ Night, a special combination of t’filot and tochnit erev (evening program) that is planned and executed by our moomchim in Tiferet. The idea was to go through the service slowly, and any camper who had any question could raise a hand and ask it. Rather than answering these questions, we left them open for everyone to think about.

Yesterday, since it was extra-hot outside, we made a big slip ‘n slide down Bayit Hill! Everyone had a blast.

Overall, Tiferet is going beautifully! I can’t wait to see where we will go from here.