Kallah is Having a Blast!

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Home » Kallah is Having a Blast!

by Shore, Kallah Rosh Eidah

Sunday, after saying l’hitraot (see you later) to Tour L’agam, we went on our own tour—one of camp, that allowed us to see all of the other units and learn about some of the great places and activities that we haven’t experienced yet.

On Monday we rocked out at a dance party with Tzofim that had a DJ and everything!  We also learned about rocking out in Israel, when some of the Israeli staff members came and told us about rock music in the Land of Milk and Honey.

This gave us some great knowledge and enthusiasm as we prepare a skit, scenery, and dance number for the all-camp Israeli Summer Festival that we’re performing in on Thursday.

Tuesday was our first Erev Tzrif (cabin night) of the session, and the counselors planned everything from hayrack rides to tye die to a drum circle for their cabins.

And, of course, we’ve had all our regular camp activities, like swimming, sports, and chugim (electives)!  All this, and we’re only half way through the week! We can’t wait to find out what else is in store for us!!