Mosh Trips: Report from Women’s Hiking

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Home » Mosh Trips: Report from Women’s Hiking

by Lizzy Scheinkopf, Moshavah Rosh Eidah

All of our tiyulim returned safely on Wednesday with a lot of excitement and many stories to share. One of our madrichot, Erica, recounts her experience on the women’s hiking  trip. 

“As we trekked through the dark trenches of the Ice Age Trail in Chequamegon National Park, we could feel the teva engulfing our spirits and souls. There is nothing like breathing in the fresh air of the woods! Our four-day journey began with our spirits high as we prepared to take on the wilderness. As we stretched our legs down the overgrown-path, we could see patches of sun peeking in through the canopy above. Due to the rainy season currently upon us, much of the path was swampy. Most would have turned back at the sight of this swamp, but we prevailed victoriously and continued on the trail to our water source. As we continued to hike for the next few days, we felt extremely proud of ourselves for completing the tiyul with success.”

This week, we are looking forward to spending an entire week in camp! Our Judaica Bowl team, Jordan K., Jonathan M., Leslie Z., Eiden S., and Asher M., is hoping to lead Moshavah to victory! We are also anxiously awaiting the results of the Oconomostock auditions. Everyone in Mosh agrees that the next two weeks are going to be fantastic and fun-filled!