A Week of Days in Kallah

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Home » A Week of Days in Kallah

by Daniel Shore, Kallah Rosh Eidah

It started on Sunday with Yom Musical (Musical Day), as we acted out our own play and sang popular songs from a variety of Broadway hits.

Monday was a top secret Yom Tzahal (Israeli Army Day). Our Israeli counselors told us all about their experiences, and we had to learn some sneaky tactics for our nighttime missions that we successfully completed with our cabins. At night, different Israeli staff came and answered our questions about Israel and what it is like to live there.

Yesterday we exercised our freedoms for Yom Democracy, where we voted on a variety of things throughout the day–choosing things such as what to have for snack and which foot to start walking on! We also put our togas on in the spirit of ancient government.

On Yom Lumberjack and Jill, campers started their s'morning with s'mores!

Today is Yom Lumberjack and Jill, which got off to a great nature-based start this s’morning (a bonfire and s’mores with breakfast!) and will continue on to Slip ‘n’ Slunch (a Slip ‘n’ Slide before lunch) and some log rolling later in the day.

This morning, our faculty ran a simulation called British vs. Haganah (the original Israeli Defense Force), where our goal was to sneak into the Land of Israel. Needless to say, the mission was a success, and now we can focus on our birthday party for Israel taking place at the end of the week.

We’re very excited to check out tonight’s all-camp talent show, Oconomostock, hosted by Tzofim, and can’t wait to see Kallah’s representatives: Michael, performing Popular on the piano, along with the homegrown music of Ari, Jacob, and Jonah as they sing an OSRUI song they wrote.

The Yom fun continues through the rest of the week, and I know this final week of Gimmel has plenty more surprises in store!!