Halloween, Flash Mobs … A Great Week in Mosh!

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Home » Halloween, Flash Mobs … A Great Week in Mosh!

by Lizzy Scheinkopf, Moshavah Rosh Eidah

It has been quite a busy week in Moshavat HaTeva! We enjoyed spending a full week in camp, where we got to do all of the great activities that OSRUI has to offer, along with some exciting programs. We began the week by celebrating Halloween (even if it was a few months early)! Every chanich dressed up in costumes for a costume contest and after we all went trick-or-treating, we had a monster mash dance party. My favorite costumes came from two of our French campers who dressed up as a mummy and Harry Potter.

Mosh campers lead a flash mob dance during Oconomostock.

For the next tochnit erev (evening program), the entire eidah learned a flash mob dance for Oconomostock! Our performers, Ellie G., Michelle W., Dylan K., and Fisher K., taught us the dance and we all stood up during their O-Stock performance to dance with them. The whole camp was surprised to see all of Moshavah dancing along! Eliott O. also performed a song on the piano in O-Stock. We have such talented chanichim! [Check out the Oconomostock video on our website to see the flash mob in action! ]

The rest of the week was spent preparing for the Chalutzim test in our ivrit kitot (Hebrew classes) as well as learning Jewish history and values during limudim with our faculty, Rabbi Paul Cohen of Temple Jeremiah in Northfield, IL and NFTY-CAR/NO advisor Logan Zinman. We had a visit yesterday from the Deputy Council General of Israel, Shahar Arieli, and the chanichim had a unique opportunity to learn about and discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While we have loved our time here at camp, everyone is eager to leave on our final tiyul of the summer. When we return, we will have even more news to share!