And We’re Off!!

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Home » And We’re Off!!

by Daniel Shore (we call him just “Shore”), Kallah Rosh Eidah (Unit Head)

Kallah Atid chanichim (campers) are already at the archery range and climbing the tower while others are getting ready to try out horseback riding.

Tonight is a special cookout dinner at Associate Director Susan Alexander’s house (which is in camp) followed by hayrack rides and s’mores at a bonfire!!

Tomorrow we are diving right in by checking out chugim (specialty activities) such as drama, music, art, and dance.  Plus, we’ll be taking hikes around camp with our teva (nature) specialist, making placemats at the Merkaz Ivrit (Hebrew Center) and taking a dip in the pool.

At night we’ll be heading to the all-camp Carnival and then having an activity to learn about Israel from our 7 Israeli staff!!

Our wonderful faculty, Dr. Anne Lidsky of Temple Jeremiah in Northfield IL, and Cantor Rebecca Robins of Cong. Sinai in Milwaukee, will be helping us make tzedakah boxes tomorrow as we talk about giving our time, talent, and treasure to other people and organizations within and outside of the Jewish community.

We’ll keep you posted and give you another update before Shabbat!!