Weaving Judaism Through Life at Camp

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Home » Weaving Judaism Through Life at Camp

by Rabbi David Levinsky, Tzofim Segel (Faculty)

Hello from Rabbi David Levinsky from Chicago Sinai Congregation down in Tzofim! For those who don’t know, Tzofim is a unit at camp that gives the kids the experience of living in a kibbutz. They sleep communally in tents. The dining area is outdoors. We have a small animal pen with goats that the kids water every day. We have a small garden that they water as well. They just love the chance to be outdoors and the freedom and responsibility that comes with camp.

More than the living arrangements, Tzofim is a chance for the kids to experience what it’s like to have Judaism woven through their daily lives.

I’d love to tell you a story about a little girl in Tzofim. She is one of the quieter kids. I met her down at the lake. Every day I try to make it down to the lake during the kids swimming time so that I have a chance to talk with them in an informal setting. It’s a great way to show them that rabbis are people too. We had a conversation about our shared hometown, Chicago, and about her school.

Later that evening, the other Rabbi down in Tzofim, Rabbi Jessica Barolsky, came up to me to show me something. We have been having all of the kids participate in the services by writing a short paragraph about a prayer and then reading it during our twice daily prayers. The same girl I talked to at the lake had written a full page about Hashkiveinu, a prayer that talks about being surrounded by peace. She described this feeling of peace as “wisps of colors that surround me like clouds.”

Wow. What a kid.

I just feel so incredibly fortunate to share the experience of living a rich Jewish life with your kids. It’s powerful. I know that we are changing lives here at OSRUI because it has definitely changed mine.

Rabbi David Levinsky is the Associate Rabbi at Chicago Sinai Congregation and is serving as one of the faculty members in Tzofim Aleph.