A Busy Week in Moshavah!

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Home » A Busy Week in Moshavah!

by Lizzy Scheinkopf, Moshavah Rosh Eidah (Unit Head)

Moshavah Bet has only just begun but we have already been having a blast! After the chanichim (campers) settled into their ohelim (tents), we spent the afternoon learning about our Mosh community. Later in the evening, the madrichim (counselors) and the segel (faculty), introduced our limud topic, leadership, to the chanichim with a skit based off of “The Hunger Games.” We will continue to learn about leadership and have the opportunity to practice it when we leave for our first tiyul (trip) on Monday! |

Other exciting things that have been happening in Moshavah include preparations for Festikayitz, an all-camp festival where each eidah performs songs, dances, and skits. The chanichim have especially enjoyed working with some of our Israeli madrichim during this time. Everyone is gearing up for the Dan Nichols concert on Saturday and we are delighted to have other eidot (unit) joining us for dinner in Moshavah. Check back in next week when we will have reports about our tiyulim and all of the other great activities going on in Moshavah!

Lizzy Scheinkopf is the Rosh Eidah (Unit Head) of Moshavah. This is her sixth year on staff at OSRUI and second summer as Moshavah Rosh Eidah. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.