Canoe Trip, Yom Horim and an Evening of Ruach

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Home » Canoe Trip, Yom Horim and an Evening of Ruach

by Hila Levin, Chalutzim Rosh Eidah (Unit Head)

We returned from a great canoe trip on Thursday this past week! We had a wonderful time canoeing together, setting up camp, cooking Israeli food, and we even enjoyed the rain! We also have a new addition to our eidah- “Dag Jelly” (Hebrew for Jelly Fish) our new mascot, which we all dearly love!

Earlier in the week we had Yom Horim and really enjoyed spending time with our families that came to visit. It was a wonderful chance for us to show you some of the work that we do in Chalutzim and all the Ivrit that we are learning. Thank you so much to everyone who came up to camp to make this such a great day for our chanichim.

This past week we also enjoyed a special day, “Under the Sea,” and got a chance to enjoy a fun afternoon full of water skiing, tubing, and swimming.

Yesterday we enjoyed a  fun and relaxing Shabbat at camp and an evening of ruach with the rest of camp and our guests!

Hila Levin is the Rosh Eidah (Unit Head) of Chalutzim. Hila grew up in Har-Halutz, Israel, and has spent ten summers at OSRUI.  She is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University.