Ready to Ride

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Home » Ready to Ride

By Shay Segal, Horseback Riding Specialist

Packing the bagHorses
Looking for the passport
Checking the time
Did I forget something?
Who cares, I’ll buy it at Target!

So…off we go to the Tel Aviv airport.
12 hour flight (gosh it was long)
10 hours more and here we are at camp!
Jet lag?

I was expecting pretty sites, but this?!
All this green, all these awesome places!
How come we don’t have this in Israel?!?

Here I am at OSRUI, working in the BEST place in the camp:
The stables of course (in my opinion)  🙂

It’s sooooo beautiful, looking just like in the movies!
The horses are so pretty and well trained.
All the Madrichim (counselors) are just AWESOME!

Wish I was a camper…

Any way, waiting for all of you at the stables!!