Dressing up and Having Fun in Kallah

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Home » Dressing up and Having Fun in Kallah

By Sam Sterling, Kallah Rosh Eidah

Wow, what a week! Kallah has seen and done it all these past few days. We’ve gone on a tiyul, had Oconomostock and had incredible Yom days (dress up days),

Since Yom McDonald Had a Farm, the chanichim  have had a fabulous time with our many different dress up days. On Sunday the kids experienced Yom Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This day consisted of eating candy, talking in rhyme and an egg drop challenge.

Monday was another special day Kallah. We departed camp at 9:15 a.m. for a short hiking trip at the Scuppernong Trail. The chanichim hiked for about an hour and a half and than had a lovely picnic out doors. After lunch there was an optional afternoon hike for those that wanted to go. Those who didn’t hike hung out in the grassy area and played frisbee or cards or just laid around. Overall it was a great day in Kallah and the kids went to bed that night exhausted but happy.

Tuesday was another phenomenal day in Kallah, and a personal favorite of mine. This Tuesday was Yom Lumberjack and Jill. The day began with S’morening (a campfire breakfast consisting of cereal and s’mores). Afterwards the kids continued their lumberjack and jill training by participating in Slip ‘n’ Slunch. The kids slid down our 100ft slip ‘n’ slide while madrichim tossed uncrustable sandwiches at them. After catching their lunch, the kids had a nice lunch outdoors on Bayit Hill. Our afternoon programming consisted of facepaint facial hair, firebuilding with Cantor Arik Luck and tossing logs down a hill. Overall Yom Lumberjack and Jill was a success. However, the nightime provided some great entertainment as well.

Another Eidah at camp, Tzofim, put on a great show –  Oconomostock, based off of Alice in Wonderland. All of the talent at camp was phenomenal but the two Kallah acts were my favorite (I may be a little biased). Shayli U. blew the crowd away with her phenomenal hip-hop dancing and Anna M. and Brooke C. had the entire audience up and dancing with them. Overall it was a phenomenal, but tiring day and the kids enjoyed their much deserved sleep-in Wednesday morning.

Today in Kallah is Yom Chag (Holiday dress-up day) and led to some great experiences for the kids. At breakfast we celebrated Hannukah by enjoying some oily foods like french toast sticks and latkes. At lunch we had a mock seder and for afternoon programing the kids made hamentaschen. It was a nice way to have fun at camp and celebrate some of our favorite holiday traditions.

These next few days promise to be a great time in Kallah. WIth programming such as maccabiah, the Ice Cream Box social and our very own Beit Cafe (talent show), the chanichim are in for a definite treat. These three weeks have truly blown by and it’s been a pleasure getting to spend them with this wonderful group of campers.