Tiferet Takes on the Art Museum!

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Home » Tiferet Takes on the Art Museum!

By Becca Levy, Rosh Eidah of Tiferet

What an amazing week we’ve had in Tiferet! Our kehila (community) has really started to come together and the chanichim (campers) are looking forward to their second Shabbat and beginning an exciting third week at camp!

This week Tiferet had a lot of excitement! On Tuesday, we went on a surprise tiyyul (trip) to the Milwaukee Art Museum. The chanichim got a tour around the museum with our wonderful Visual Art specialists, Cam and Hannah. Then, they split into studios and had interactive studio within the museum. Each studio was able to experience the museum through the lens of their own artistic passion and connect to the art in different ways. Whether it was visual arts sketching, digital arts working with motion video, dance exploring how the art connects to their bodies and movement, drama doing character study, or music experiencing sound and art together, all the chanichim had a chance to personally explore the Milwaukee Art Museum.

After studio, we had a relaxing picnic lunch followed by some free time in the museum. During the free time, the campers were able to look at paintings by artists such as Picasso, Georgia O’Keefe, Andy Warhol, and the special exhibit on Wassily Kandinsky. Then, just when the chanichim thought they were headed back to camp, we stopped at the movie theater to see How To Train Your Dragon 2, which was a great surprise! It was a truly fantastic field trip!

This has been a wonerful first two weeks in Tiferet! All of the are beginning to come together as a group, and a making great friends! I can’t wait for the next two weeks of Tiferet Aleph!