A Note About eLetters

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A few days ago, we wrote to parents letting them know that we were having difficulty with the eLetter system and suggesting that parents not rely on eLetters as their child’s only way of writing home.  (See that email below).

For our campers who went home on Sunday, we’ll be mailing home eLetters, so parents will have them whether or not they received them during the session.

Going forward, after eLetters have been uploaded, we’ll give them back to campers to take home.  That way parents will get them one way or the other.

We know how important it is for parents to hear from their campers and will do everything we can to make sure letters and eLetters get sent in a timely fashion.  Thanks so much to our parents for their understanding.


Recent email to parents:

Dear Camper Parents,

CampInTouch provides parents with the option of emailing their campers – the emails are printed daily (except Shabbat) and distributed with the mail.  There is also the option of having your campers write back to you; you can print out a stack of eLetters and send them with your camper, or request that a sheet of bar coded stationery be printed with an email that you send.  Please be aware of the following:

  1. If you check off that you want a handwritten reply, your child will receive a sheet of bar coded stationery with your email.  We can’t guarantee when, or if, they will reply.
  2. We make every effort to confirm that eLetters have reached the parent’s account and resend when necessary. In the first two weeks of summer there have been fairly regular technical glitches with the third-party system that we can’t control, making the delivery of these letters inconsistent. We apologize for this inconvenience and have been in touch with CampInTouch asking for them to address the problem. Therefore, please don’t rely on eLetters as your child’s only way of writing home to you.  Make sure to send postcards or stationery and stamps.

We know how important it is for you to hear from your camper and will do everything we can to make sure letters and eLetters get to you in a timely fashion. Thank you so much for your understanding.

The OSRUI Staff