Parshat Eikev: From V’ahavta to Today
Dear OSRUI Families,
It has been another great week at camp! Kallah Gimmel and Chalutzim are wrapping up their summers, Tzofim hosted a great Oconomostock talent show this week, Tiferet is preparing for “marathon week” in their studios, Gesher is working on next week’s all-camp Carnival, and Moshavah enjoyed a full week at camp between trips! Tour La’Agam has crossed over into lower Michigan and will be enjoying a restful Shabbat before they begin their trek back to Oconomowoc.
This week’s Torah portion, Eikev, includes the second paragraph of the V’ahavta. In this passage Moses tells the Israelites to impress God’s words upon their heart, teach them to their children, recite them at home and when they are away, recite them when they lie down and when they rise up, and to inscribe them on the doorposts of their houses and on their gates.
There are few places where these words ring as true as they do at camp, a place where Judaism comes alive for children all day long. Here at OSRUI, campers live the values and lessons of the Torah every day in how they treat each other. Children at camp get to truly experience Judaism all day, in all places at camp, as the words of V’ahavta describe.
The fact that kids live Jewishly at camp has not happened by accident. It is a result of our staff, faculty, and generations of camp leadership who have shaped what OSRUI has become today. This weekend at camp we will be celebrating that legacy with an Alumni Day where we will welcome back nearly 500 camp alums for Shabbat.
As part of Alumni Day we will celebrate the 48-year tenure of Jerry and Paula Kaye as we break ground on an exciting new building project at camp, the Heichal HaTarbut Kaye (Kaye Cultural Center). This building will be a multi-use space for performing arts, worship, and the all-camp moments that make the Jewish community at camp come alive. It is a one-of-a-kind building in recognition of the one-of-a-kind legacy of Jerry and Paula. To read more about the building project, see our website.
All of us are so excited to welcome our alumni back to camp on Saturday. Our current campers are our future alumni and whether this is your child’s first summer, tenth summer, or something in between, we look forward to welcoming them back to camp many times in the future.
As we head into Shabbat, the words of the V’ahavta and the commandment to teach our children resonate so strongly at camp. Thank you for giving your kids the opportunity to learn, grow, and be part of the camp community at OSRUI.
Shabbat Shalom,