Shabbat Message from Solly: Learning and Growing at OSRUI

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Home » Shabbat Message from Solly: Learning and Growing at OSRUI

Shabbat D’varim

Dear OSRUI Families,

It is hard to believe the end of summer has arrived.  Though days at camp are long and packed full of fun activities, the weeks pass by quickly.  Most of our campers are celebrating their fourth Shabbat of the summer tonight.  In the past month, they have learned, grown, and built amazing communities within their tzrifim (cabins), ohelim (tents), and eidot (units).

On Wednesday morning, 90 Kallah Atid chanichim (campers) arrived.  They have spent the past few days experiencing all of the amazing activities at OSRUI.  I’ve asked a number of Kallah Atid chanichim what their favorite part of their time at camp has been and they have enthusiastically answered, “Everything!”  In addition to participating in lakefront activities, horseback riding, and climbing Etgar (our challenge course), chanichim have gotten to know their madrichim (counselors) and made new friends in their tzrif (cabin).

Kallah Atid chanichim are a reminder that while this summer is ending, the opportunity to be an OSRUI camper and part of the OSRUI community is not.  These Kallah Atid chanichim will return as campers next summer and someday as staff members and rashei eidot (unit heads).  As this summer ends, I am already looking forward to what the next summer will bring.

However, you don’t have to wait until next summer. We offer a range of weekend and day-long programs year-round at camp. For more information about our family camps and day events, you can visit our website: .  We love having the magic of camp continue year-round and I hope your family will be a part of our year-round community!

This week’s Torah portion, Parshat D’varim, is the first portion in the book of Deuteronomy.  It is the beginning of Moses’ final speech to the people of Israel before they cross into the Promised Land.  Though Moses was initially hesitant to take on the role of leading the Jewish people because he didn’t think of himself as a public speaker or leader, the final book of the Torah demonstrates how much he has grown in his confidence as a leader.

Every day at camp, our campers build their own confidence and challenge themselves to learn and grow.  I hope you will see how much independence they have gained during the time they’ve been at camp.  After they share the funniest stories and sing you their new favorite song, I hope you will hear about a new lifelong friend they made, a story or lesson that impacted them, or a moment that helped them learn something new about themselves.

As Moses grew and changed as a leader while on the journey out of Egypt, so too have your campers grown and learned during their time at OSRUI.  I am so grateful that you chose to share your children with us this summer and so thankful that you and your families are part of the OSRUI community.

Shabbat Shalom,


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