Keeping Our Online Community Safe

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Prior to and during ever summer we put a lot of thought and planning into how our community will be safe while altogether. Safe both in the physical sense but also in the social emotional way as well.

Over the past few years, we have created a code of conduct for all our campers to abide by.  We have created an anti-bullying pledge to help reduce bullying occurrences.  Each cabin and tent create a Brit (covenant) of rules on opening day for their living communities so that every camper knows what the expectations are during the summer.  This summer is no different.  We have spent time thinking, creating and compiling best practice for on-line programs so that we can continue to provide a safe space for all our campers.

During this time of physical distancing, we are online more than ever. Along with our standard community code of conduct, we are asking that all participants follow online-specific guidelines during our, and any, virtual programming. Here are a few guidelines for our families to follow:

  • Asking your campers with whom they are interacting online and checking in with them after online meetings keeps pathways of communication open for your campers to express any thoughts, from technical challenges and great facts they learned, to questions they have, or a situation in which they might have felt uncomfortable.
  • To maintain your camper’s privacy, your camper should not use their full name in any public online profile (such as a Zoom conference) and instead should use their first name and last initial only.
  • When possible, campers should be online in an area of the house where other people are present, like a kitchen or living room. Even if everyone at home is on a meeting with headphones on, being in a more public space allows for others to quickly see what is on a screen.

To see our entire set of guidelines and our Virtual Space Code of Conduct please click here.