by Susan Alexander, Associate Director of OSRUI
They called their Rosh Eidah, “Grandpa.” That is how the story began.
The rosh, Evan, who is 21, then decided to tell a story to his Tiferet campers as if he was, “Grandpa.”
He told about his time in the war, and his struggles along the way, and his adventures witha micro horse named Cheeto.
The Tiferet campers wanted to know the details. What happened to the micro horse? Is the micro horse still alive? Is a micro horse real?
What is a micro horse?
Throughout the weeks of camp, the story prevailed. It traveled through the art studio, media, and the drama studio. The dancers danced with the story on their minds, and the musicians played, with the story still lingering.
Last night, Evan planned a scavenger hunt that took the campers all over camp. They had to solve clues to get more information about the story and Cheeto.
Then it was over – the end of the story and the mystery of Cheeto. Evan, however, didn’t leave it at that – because right as the somewhat disappointed campers were about to leave, Cheeto showed up in all his glory! The campers were ecstatic. There were actually tears of joy from many. They fed Cheeto treats, brushed him and took many photos with the adorable micro horse. The campers will remember that moment for a very long time – and the Rosh Eidah that made it possible.
Summer camp is so amazing. As soon as you think the fun is over, a Cheeto shows up.