Every day at camp is jam-packed with creative and fun activities. In a single day at camp, you can find yourself horseback riding, learning a new Israeli dance, trying out archery, and taking a sunset pontoon ride with your bunkmates. We want to make each day the best day of the summer! While our programs vary according to length of session and camper age, the daily schedule is similar for all units.
Our cabin units (Atid, Kallah, Gesher, Ta’am, and Chalutzim) have all of their meals in the air-conditioned Chadar Ochel (Dining Hall). In Tzofim and Moshavah, campers eat breakfast and dinner in their sheltered dining pavilion. Every day, all of OSRUI comes together for all-camp lunch in the Chadar Ochel. It’s great opportunity to for siblings and friends in different units to see each other. All campers get two snacks each day. On Shabbat, everyone has Shabbat dinner together in the Chadar Ochel and a picnic-style Shabbat lunch outside the Chadar Ochel. Please see the Meals and Nutrition page for information about our menu.

Our cabin units (Atid, Kallah, Gesher, Ta’am, and Chalutzim) have all of their meals in the air-conditioned Chadar Ochel (Dining Hall). In Tzofim and Moshavah, campers eat breakfast and dinner in their sheltered dining pavilion. Every day, all of OSRUI comes together for all-camp lunch in the Chadar Ochel. It’s great opportunity to for siblings and friends in different units to see each other. All campers get two snacks each day. On Shabbat, everyone has Shabbat dinner together in the Chadar Ochel and a picnic-style Shabbat lunch outside the Chadar Ochel. Please see the Meals and Nutrition page for information about our menu.
Chugim (Electives)
Camp is all about choices – and during chugim, campers are able to choose elective activities. We believe in giving campers the ability to shape their experience by choosing to try something new – or participating in an old favorite. There are so many activities to choose from, and you can see all of our options at our Activities page.

T’fillot (Services)
We have services twice a day by unit. They are age appropriate in length (ranging from 15–35 minutes) and consist of singing, stories, and time together in one of our beautiful outdoor chapels. Services are led by counselor songleaders and faculty. All of our campers also get an opportunity to help lead a portion of a service throughout their session!
T’fillot (Services)
We have services twice a day by unit. They are age appropriate in length (ranging from 15–35 minutes) and consist of singing, stories, and time together in one of our beautiful outdoor chapels. Services are led by counselor songleaders and faculty. All of our campers also get an opportunity to help lead a portion of a service throughout their session!

From baseball, soccer, and basketball to gymnastics, gaga and tennis, we have dozens of different sports to play, so there is something for everyone. We play sports to have fun, be active, and get energy out throughout the day. Campers enjoy our sports facilities including the Dardick Family Archery and Tennis Complex, three outdoor basketball courts, and the Sang Sports Center.

Ivrit (hebrew)
We love that so many of our campers come home proud of the Hebrew they have learned during the summer! During this time each day, counselors use songs, games, and fun activities to help campers expand their knowledge of Hebrew. In partnership with the staff of our Merkaz Ivrit (Hebrew Center), Hebrew is infused throughout the day at OSRUI You’ll be amazed at the new Hebrew words your child will bring home after camp!
Ivrit (hebrew)
We love that so many of our campers come home proud of the Hebrew they have learned during the summer! During this time each day, counselors use songs, games, and fun activities to help campers expand their knowledge of Hebrew. In partnership with the staff of our Merkaz Ivrit (Hebrew Center), Hebrew is infused throughout the day at OSRUI You’ll be amazed at the new Hebrew words your child will bring home after camp!

Limud (Jewish Learning)
Every session at OSRUI has a Judaic theme which challenges campers to explore and build their Jewish identity in fun and creative ways. Through debates, scavenger hunts, plays, and other dynamic programs, campers interact with and learn about Jewish values and culture, social justice, spirituality and more.

Swimming and Boating
Campers alternate swimming in the pool and the lake each day. Our Aquatic Center features three pool areas, two water slides, basketball hoops, a volleyball net, a splash bucket, and aquatic toys. At the lake, campers can go kayaking, sailing, waterskiing, tubing, pontooning, and paddleboarding – all from our private beach and dock on Lac La Belle (the beautiful lake we call home).

Swimming and Boating
Campers alternate swimming in the pool and the lake each day. Our Aquatic Center features three pool areas, two water slides, basketball hoops, a volleyball net, a splash bucket, and aquatic toys. At the lake, campers can go kayaking, sailing, waterskiing, tubing, pontooning, and paddleboarding – all from our private beach and dock on Lac La Belle (the beautiful lake we call home).
Evening Programs
Each evening concludes with a chance for campers to be together for unit fun and bonding. Favorite evening programs include sports nights, crafts nights, all-unit games & competitions, all-camp events such as talent shows, and cabin/tent nights where counselors plan special activities for their bunks.

Lights Out
Units go to bed at times appropriate for their age. Lights out is based on all campers getting a minimum of eight hours of sleep a night. Staff members have rotating overnight duty, and a staff member is present inside each cabin/tent from lights out until wake-up the next morning.

Lights Out
Units go to bed at times appropriate for their age. Lights out is based on all campers getting a minimum of eight hours of sleep a night. Staff members have rotating overnight duty, and a staff member is present inside each cabin/tent from lights out until wake-up the next morning.
Special Events
Several special events are scheduled throughout the summer where the whole camp community gathers together, including Mesibah and Oconomostock (our two all-camp talent shows), Erev Yisrael (Israel Night), and the Maccabiah Games!