At OSRUI, we have so many different activities to choose from – there is really something for everyone! At all of our activities we seek to strike a balance between learning new skills and having fun! Continuous effort is made to make sure we are meeting campers where they are skill-wise, and then advancing them forward in a meaningful way. We encourage campers to try new things, and have fun with what they know they already love!
Dardick Family Archery and Tennis Complex | Baseball | Basketball | Biking | Floor Hockey | Foosball | Ga-Ga | Kickball | Ping Pong | Soccer | Softball | Tetherball | Ultimate Frisbee | Volleyball | 9 Square In The Air | Ninja Warrior Course

Etgar (Challenge) Tower | Campfires | Campouts | Low Ropes | Rock Climbing | High Ropes | Survival and Camping | Swing By Choice | Teva (Nature) | Zipline

Boating | Paddle Boarding | Pontoon Boat Rides | Kayaking and Canoeing | Sailing | Swimming in our Pool | Swimming in our Lake | Tubing | Waterskiing | Water Slides

Arts and Crafts | Cooking | Dance | Drama | Drawing and Painting | Israeli Dancing | Music | Podcasting

All-Camp Events
Carnival | Maccabiah | Meshuganah Races | Oconomostock (All-Camp Talent Show) | Star-Spangled Mesibah (All-Camp Talent Show) | Yom Yisrael (Israel Day)

And More!
Beit Café (talent show) | Cookouts | Horseback Riding | Song Sessions