Staying Healthy

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Health Center

Our camp health center (or mirpa’ah in Hebrew) is staffed 24 hours a day by a team of nurses and physicians throughout the summer, and is the place to make sure campers are staying healthy and getting the care they need.

Campers who feel ill during camp will be seen at the Health Center.  Our staff will respond based on the symptoms and will be in touch with you if the camper needs to stay overnight in the health center, go off camp for treatment, or receive a new prescription medication.  


Campers who take prescriptions, supplements, and over-the-counter medications on a regular or as needed basis will store their medications in the Health Center to be supervised and dispensed by our nursing staff.  In order to ensure the safety and integrity of the medication dispensing, all medications need to be ordered from the camp pharmacy, JDrug. Parents will be emailed with more information about ordering medication after March 1st. 

Mental, Social, and Emotional Health

We want OSRUI to be a place where every single person can feel safe and supported to be the best version of themselves. We strive to create a welcoming environment that offers meaningful opportunities for connection, community, friendship, Jewish values and identity, and a sense of belonging. Wellness and mental health are an essential part of any immersive experience. Our Camp Care Team is comprised of experienced mental health professionals who are passionate about empowering and supporting young people at camp. Throughout the summer, the Camp Care Team is available to support the mental and social emotional health of our campers and staff and assists with any issues or challenges that arise during the summer. The team partners with the unit heads and staff to ensure that each camper has the tools and support they need to be successful at camp. Throughout the year, you can reach out to Lina Wallace, Senior Assistant Director, at to connect about anything related to mental and social emotional health. 

Our Approach to Holistic Wellness at Camp

The URJ is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all our programs and communities. Among our most cherished Jewish values is the imperative for preserving life and maintaining health. Below, you will find information about the guiding principles and processes of our wellness work, as well as our trusted medical advisors. Following the guidance of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC), and American Camp Association (ACA), we have developed guidelines that prioritize the health and wellbeing of our camp and program communities. At its core, this work supports and enhances the creation of meaningful and memorable camp and program experiences.