Day at the Museum!

Day at the Museum!

Milwaukee Art Museum, Here Tiferet Comes!
The Mystery of Cheeto the Micro-Horse

The Mystery of Cheeto the Micro-Horse

by Susan Alexander, Associate Director of OSRUI They called their Rosh Eidah, “Grandpa.” That is how the story began. The rosh, Evan, who is 21, then decided to tell a story to his Tiferet campers as if he was, “Grandpa.” He told about his time in the war, and his...

OSRUI Lucky to have Ohad Sha’altiel

by Vanessa Ehrlich, OSRUI Faculty Member and Director of Education at Lakeside Congregation in Highland Park, IL.  These are excerpts from her blog, In One Ehrlich. Part of a trip to Tel Aviv should be a visit with Ohad Sha’altiel, artist, teacher, creative...

Splendor in Tiferet

by Rabbi Andrea Steinberger, Tiferet Segel (Faculty) What do 51 Tiferet campers and a canoe trip have in common? At first glance, it may be absolutely nothing. But a further look leads me to understand that it can be an experience with the divine. I had the pleasure...