Online Registration!

by Denise Heimlich, Manager – Registration & Marketing We are very excited that parents will be able to register online for Summer 2012! And parents ask us all the time if we take credit cards, and we’ll finally be able to answer “yes!” We’re currently in...

Digging in the Dirt

by Rabbi Lisa Greene of North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe, IL.  Rabbi Greene served as faculty for Kallah Aleph and wrote this for the NSCI Bulletin upon her return. I just returned from camp. After an exciting two-week stint as faculty for the youngest unit...

Reflections on the Tiyulim

by the Moshavah Staff As Moshavah Bet comes to a close, the Mosh staff would like to share with you some reflections on our tiyulim in the form of acrostic poems. Hills and flat land under our feet Ice Age Trail, for miles and miles across Wisconsin Knowing the...

Shalom from Kallah Atid!

by Shore, Kallah Atid Rosh Eidah We are almost ready for Shabbat, and it’s been quite a day! This morning we prepared for Shabbat by making Challah and learning songs for the all-camp Shira tonight.  Preparing for the future, as always, we made spice bags for...

Welcome Back Tour La’Agam!!

Our Tour La’Agam bikers have returned to OSRUI from their 1,000 mile journey around Lake Michigan.  We can’t wait to hear about their adventures!  They’re ready for a restful Shabbat with the entire OSRUI community.