And I Remember Camp…

And I Remember Camp…

“Adolescence can be a time of both disorientation and discovery. This transitional period can bring up issues of independence and self-identity; many adolescents and their peers face tough choices regarding schoolwork, sexuality, drugs, alcohol, and social life.”...
Where Do You Call Home?

Where Do You Call Home?

On the opening day at Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute, the faculty and staff were told about how at some camps the leaders are instructed to say: “welcome home” rather than “welcome back.”  The difference, as we were told, is that at OSRUI, the chanichim (campers),...
Each day is momentous and rewarding!

Each day is momentous and rewarding!

It’s been a fun filled two weeks in Moshavah so far this summer! We enjoyed settling into our ohelim (tents) and getting accustomed to our tight knit community downstairs. Each day the chanichim (campers) enjoy their chug (activity) and sports, swimming and so much...
Mayim, Mayim, Mayim!

Mayim, Mayim, Mayim!

Water holds a special place in Jewish texts. It is a source of life, it softens even the hardest of rocks, and it is even compared to Torah in terms of its importance. So in that sense, there was a lot of life, a lot of rock softening, and a TON of Torah on our canoe...