In the מַחֲנֶה..

In the מַחֲנֶה..

We have the honor of working with OSRUI’s youngest chanichim (campers), the kids of Kallah. And these youngest chanichim on camp, most especially, adore their madrichim, their counselors. They are trusting of them, seeing them as mentors and teachers, leaders...
While We Were Away

While We Were Away

Here is everything you missed while we were away for Shabbat, Yom Horim (Chalutzim Visiting Day) saying l’hitraot (not goodbye, but see you next time) to our first session campers from Kallah Bet, Tzofim Bet, Gesher Bet, Mosh Aleph, and Tiferet Aleph, and saying...
You’ll Be Back….

You’ll Be Back….

Every closing day at OSRUI brings a wide range of emotions.  There are tears of joy when some chanichim (campers) see their family and get to share their endless memories from their amazing summer.  There are tears of sadness when chanichim have to say l’hitraot...
Yom Yisrael

Yom Yisrael

Last week we had an incredible day full of nothing but celebrating the sights, smells, sounds, and tastes of the wonderful land of Israel.  We learned about the food, history, culture, music, and most importantly, the people of our homeland.  Led by our Chalutzim...
A Note from the Calming the Shores of Lac La-Becky

A Note from the Calming the Shores of Lac La-Becky

It has been a great session so far in Gesher Bet! The chanichim (campers) arrived last week ready to participate in all that Gesher has to offer. From Maccabiah break, to the camp-wide 4th of July barbecue, to celebrating Shabbat together, to our two chugim...