Shabbat Shalom from OSRUI!

SHABBAT  EIKEV  2013 Our week started out with an all-camp sendoff on Sunday morning for Tour La’Agam as they began their trek around Lake Michigan.  It was a wonderful moment in our camp week.  After a week of riding they are settled in for a much needed...

Teva, Teva and more Teva in Moshavah!

By Elana Gordon, Moshavah Rosh Eidah We have had two great weeks so far in Moshavah! We spent our first week getting settled into our tents, reconnecting with old friends, creating new ones, and preparing for our first tiyul. The week was packed with all kinds of camp...

Watching Tzofim Grow

By Rabbi Jen Gertman, Temple Israel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Tzofim Segel We have had an exciting two weeks in Tzofim!  Our Limud theme this session is Kehillah Kedosha, holy community. With the help of Captain Kehillah, the chanichim are learning what it means to be...

Tiferet goes to the Art Museum

By Naomi Gamoran, Tiferet Rosh Eidah Yesterday, Tiferet Bet had the opportunity to visit the Milwaukee Art Museum. When we arrived at the museum, two of our art specialists, Ohad and Hannah, gave the chanichim a tour of the museum. We visited works of art throughout...

A Great Start to Kallah Gimmel

By Sam Sterling, Kallah Rosh Eidah Last week was a great first week in Machena Kallah! The chanichim (campers) had the opportunity to participate in some great eidah (unit) and all-camp programming, including the Judaica Bowl. The Kallah Judaica Bowl team made us all...