A Busy Beginning in Tiferet!

by Emily Schwartz, Tiferet Rosh Eidah (Unit Head) Tiferet has been quite the adventure so far! We have been busy getting ready for our Star-Spangled Mesibah (the all-camp talent show produced by Tiferet), expressing our creativity, and building a wonderful community....

A Great Second Week in Tzofim!

by Tessa Robinson, Tzofim Rosh Eidah (Unit Head) It’s been an amazing week so far in Kibbutz HaTzofim! We have settled into the routine of camp, and have all enjoyed the many activities that camp has to offer! We’ve had swim groups go waterskiing, tubing, pontooning,...

Yom Kallah-Tzofim!

by Rabbi Jessica Barolsky, Tzofim Segel (Faculty) Yesterday was a day for our Kallah campers and Tzofim campers to come together for some of their daily activities. The joint activities began with limmud, our daily learning program. Based on the Kallah/Tzofim theme...

Weaving Judaism Through Life at Camp

by Rabbi David Levinsky, Tzofim Segel (Faculty) Hello from Rabbi David Levinsky from Chicago Sinai Congregation down in Tzofim! For those who don’t know, Tzofim is a unit at camp that gives the kids the experience of living in a kibbutz. They sleep communally in...

Torah in Tevas

by Rabbi Melissa Simon, Tiferet Faculty Being a rabbi at camp is a long way from being a rabbi at a synagogue in Minnesota! Gone are formal sermons, outlook calendars and high heels! I’ve been spending my days in Tevas, running around camp with chanichim...